Domestic Violence

Screwdriver; Pen; Writing

If you are interested in seeking an injunction for protection, learn about the different types of protective injunctions, the process for requesting one, what to expect, and more.

A laptop sits on a green chair, open with a blank screen.

DV Webinars

Explore our collection of webinars focused on addressing domestic violence. These sessions cover a wide range of topics, including prevention, support services, survivor stories, and professional guidance.

Writing; Pen; Laptop

Overview for Respondents

If you have been served with a notice of hearing or a temporary injunction and would like to know more about the process and what to expect, read general information about injunctions, hearings, the effects of having an injunction granted against you, and more.

A man in a suit takes notes on a notepad in front of a computer screen.

DV Training

Access CJE/CLE accredited training in domestic violence topics, guides and tools to use in your daily practice, and explore available resources.

Electronics; Video Camera; Screen


Watch videos on topics including how to mitigate financial abuse, domestic violence compliance dockets, risk protection orders, teen dating violence, and more.

Adult; Man; Person

Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers to key questions about the injection process for petitioners and respondents. Discover available resources and review statistics related to domestic violence.

Adult; Person; Woman

Florida Domestic Violence Court Information System - FDVCIS

The Florida Domestic Violence Court Information System (FDVCIS) is a system that allows you, the user, to search for civil injunctions throughout the state from 2016 to present. Search the FDVCIS database by case, participant or docket search. FDVCIS matches cases with similar data and will alert you of any matching data is found.

Hardwood; Wood; Smoke Pipe

Family Courts Virtual Court

Access the Office of Family Courts' Virtual Court curriculum. These training programs allows participants to learn about the nuances of domestic violence or stalking injunctions addressed by Florida courts.

Text; Document

Batterers' Intervention Program - List of Providers

The Florida Department of Children and Families maintains a list of certified Batterers' Intervention Program Providers. Information about available BIP providers is required to be provided to anyone who is court-ordered to participate.

Book; Library; Shelf

Resource Library

Access a curated list of domestic violence resources from external sources.