1.2. Revamped Scheme of Fund for Regeneration of Traditional Industries (SFURTI)

To strengthen the cluster governance systems with the active participation of the stakeholders, so that they are able to gauge the emerging challenges and opportunities and respond to them in a coherent manner;

'Soft Interventions', 'Hard Interventions' and 'Thematic Interventions'. The project outlay for various clusters is as follows: Heritage cluster (1000-2500 artisans *): ₹ 8 cr; Major cluster (500-1000 artisans *): ₹ 3 cr; Mini cluster (Up to 500 artisans*): ₹ 1.5 cr.

*For NER/ J&k and Hill States, there will be 50% reduction in the number of artisans per cluster.

Soft Interventions: A maximum ceiling of ₹ 25.00 lakhs (100% scheme funding)

Hard Interventions: As per project requirement (75% scheme funding)

1.3. Coir Vikas Yojana (CVY)

Related Scheme Coir Vikas Yojana (CVY)
Description The interventions under CVY Scheme envisage a wide range of activities like skill development of artisans, mahila coir yojana, for modernization, upgradation and/or establishing a new unit under Coir Industry Technology Upgradation Scheme (CITUS), promoting the domestic as well as export market, providing of trade and industry related functional support services, and welfare of coir workers.
Download Scheme Guidelines

1.4. Science and Technology Scheme (S&T) for Coir

Related Scheme Science and Technology Scheme (S&T) for Coir
Description The component envisages extension of the outcomes of research at the laboratory level for application at the field level and extension of testing and service facility. The Research and Development activities of the Board are carried out through the twin research institutes: the Central Coir Research Institute, Kalavoor and Central Institute of Coir Technology, Bangalore.
Nature of assistance Technology Transfer, Incubation, Testing and Service Facilities
Who can apply? The Research and Development activities of the Board are carried out through the twin research institutes: the Central Coir Research Institute, Kalavoor and Central Institute of Coir Technology, Bangalore. These institutes are eligible for use of funds released under Science & Technology.

1.4.1. Skill Upgradation & Mahila Coir Yojana (MCY)

Related Scheme Skill Upgradation & Mahila Coir Yojana (MCY)
Description Skill Upgradation & Mahila Coir Yojana (MCY) is one of the key components under the Scheme Coir Vikas Yojana. Coir Board imparts training in processing of coir and value addition to potential workers, coir artisans/entreprenuers through its training centres, i.e., National Coir Training and Design Centre (NCT&DC), Kalavoor, Alleppey and Research-cum-Extension Centre, Thanjavur, and Field Training Centres of Regional Officers/ Sub Regional Officers of the Board located at various parts of the country. The Mahila Coir Yojana (MCY) is intended to provide self employment opportunities to rural women artisans in regions processing coconut husk.
Nature of assistance The stipend per trainee for the skill development programmes will be limited to Rs.3,000/- per month and in the case of training programmes of less than one month duration, stipend will be disbursed on prorata basis. The honorarium for the trainer will be limited to Rs. 15.000/- per month. An amount of Rs.400/- per head per month will be provided as financial assistance to the training sponsoring agency to meet the operational cost of the training for raw material, power charges, other incidentals etc
Who can apply? Coir artisans and workers engaged in the coir industry may avail of the financial assistance for procurement of machines/equipments under PMEGP scheme for setting up of new coir units for which the maximum project cost is Rs.25 lakhs.
How to apply? The officer-in-charge of the Regional Extension Centre will handle selection of trainees for training programmes conducted at the Regional Extension Centres. Trade Associations, Unit Owners, NGOs, Co-operatives and Industries Department will sponsor such candidates and recommend them for training.
Whom to contact Joint Director (P), Coir Board
Ph: 9447187059
Email: jdp[at]coirboard[dot]org
Download Scheme Guidelines

1.4.2. Export Market Promotion (EMP)

Related Scheme Export Market Promotion
Description Coir Board is implementing Export Market Promotion with a view to improve the export performance of Indian Coir Sector through various export market promotion activities such as sponsoring delegations; participation in seminars and conferences; organising participation in international fairs; undertaking generic publicity abroad; extending financial assistance to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises and Exporters; presenting Coir Industry Awards on an annual basis to recognize the outstanding performance in the areas of export; domestic trade; R&D and functioning of units and societies.
Nature of assistance 1. Delegation, Consultancy & Information Sourcing 2. Participation in seminars and conferences 3. Participation in international fairs/buyer-seller meets 4. Publicity abroad 5.External Market Development Assistance 6. Coir Industry Awards. The assistance shall be provided as per revised guidelines of International Cooperation Scheme (IC Scheme) issued on 15.06.2018. The guidelines may be downloaded from the website https://msme.gov.in/marketing-promotion-schemes
Who can apply? Manufacturers, Entrepreneurs and Exporters of Coir
How to apply? The application forms can be had either from the Coir Board HO or it can be downloaded from the website http://coirboard.gov.in/
Whom to contact Joint Director (P), Coir Board
Ph: 9447187059
Email: jdp[at]coirboard[dot]org
Download Scheme Guidelines

1.4.3. Domestic Market Promotion Scheme (DMP)

Related Scheme Domestic Market Promotion Scheme (DMP)
Description In pursuance of Section 10(1) of Coir Industry Act 1953, Coir Board has been taking various measures for popularizing coir and coir products and expanding the domestic market. Establishment and maintenance of Showroom and Sales depots, participation in fairs / exhibitions organized by other agencies and organizing exclusive fairs for Coir and coir goods within the country, providing Market Development Assistance to State supported organizations for enlarging marketing network, organizing generic publicity through press, television, website and radio and erection of hoardings, fixing of quality standards, inspection and a certification of quality of coir goods are some of the measures taken by Coir Board towards achieving the objective. The activities undertaken by the Board for the purpose are publicity, participation in domestic exhibitions, Extension of performance linked Market Development Assistance, construction/renovation/interior decoration of new and existing showrooms/market development centres of the Board and field demonstration/displays.
Nature of assistance The component proposes to provide financial assistance to the Apex Co-operative Societies, Central Co-op. Societies, Primary Co-operative Societies, Public Sector Enterprises, franchisees appointed by Coir Board in the coir industry and the Showroom and Sales Depots / Hindustan Coir of the Coir Board. The MDA is granted at the rate of 10% of their average annual sales turnover of coir products including coir fibre, coir pith, coir pith block, coir pith products, coir pith organic manure, coir yarn, mats, matting, rubberized coir goods, coir geotextile, garden articles, coir bags, coir umbrella, coir chapel, coir ornaments, coir handicrafts, coir wood and other innovative products during the preceding three financial years, subject to the condition that 5% increase should have been achieved over the immediate previous year. This Assistance will be shared on 1:1 basis between the Central Government and the concerned State/Union Territory Government. The disbursement of Central share of MDA will be subject to the budgetary outlay available with the Coir Board under the relevant schemes.
Who can apply? Apex Co-operative Societies, Central Co-op. Societies, Primary Co-operative Societies, Public Sector Enterprises, franchisees appointed by Coir Board in the coir industry and the Showroom and Sales Depots / Hindustan Coir of the Coir Board.
How to apply? The MDA application form can be obtained from the Coir Board HO and it also can be downloaded from the website of coir board. (http://coirboard.gov.in/)
Whom to contact Joint Director (P), Coir Board
Ph: 9447187059
Email: jdp[at]coirboard[dot]org
Download Scheme Guidelines

1.4.4. Trade and Industry Related Functional Support Services (TIRFSS)

Related Scheme Trade and Industry Related Functional Support Services (TIRFSS)
Description Collection of statistical data pertaining to various aspects like production, productivity, labour infrastructure, raw material, marketing etc. is required for providing feedback to the trade and industry and for evolving appropriate policy for the overall organized and systematic development of the coir industry. Introduction and maintenance of an updated and effective IT related management information system is an in escapable requirement for the development of this highly competitive sector.
Nature of assistance The component provides accessible export data such as name of importing countries, value and quantum of export to each country. Survey & Study reports of various sectors are available for the Coir Industry. HRD Program can be utilised by coir workers for the betterment of their knowledge in tune with modern technology.
Who can apply? The Board's officials, stake holders of the industry, manufacturers, coir workers and major market player can avail of HRD program organized under the scheme.
How to apply? The Board's officials, stake holders of the industry, manufacturers, coir workers and major market player can approach the Head Office and Regional Offices of the Board in order to participate in the HRD programs organized from time to time in different regions.
Whom to contact Joint Director (P), Coir Board
Ph: 9447187059
Email: jdp[at]coirboard[dot]org
Download Scheme Guidelines

1.4.5. Welfare Measures (Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana (PMSBY))

Related Scheme Welfare Measures (Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana (PMSBY))
Description Coir Board had been implementing Coir Board Coir Workers Group Personal Accident Insurance Scheme for the benefit of the coir workers in the country. The scheme started from the year 1998 was aimed at providing insurance coverage against accidental death, permanent total disability and permanent partial disability to the coir workers. The coir workers aged 18 and above engaged in the industry were covered under the scheme. The insurance coverage was given on the basis of a comprehensive policy covering 4 lakh coir workers without naming each and every worker. The scheme titled "Coir Board Coir Workers Group Personal Accident Insurance Scheme" which was in operation up to 31.05.2016 has been converged to "Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana"(PMSBY) with effect from 01.06.2016.
Nature of assistance The scheme is for a period of one year cover, renewable from year to year. Accident insurance coverage is given for death or disability cover for death or disability on account of accident to coir workers.
Who can apply? The coir workers to be enrolled through Coir Board may be self-employed, employed under the SFURTI coir clusters, coir workers engaged in the units already registered with the Board, coir workers coming under the fold of Welfare Fund Board, PSUs, Corporations, Federations, Cooperative Societies, etc.
How to apply? All coir workers in the country in the age 18 to 70 years having Aadhar linked Savings Bank account will be entitled to join. The coir worker would be eligible to join in the scheme only through Aadhar linked savings bank account.
Whom to contact Joint Director (P), Coir Board
Ph: 9447187059
Email: jdp[at]coirboard[dot]org
Download Scheme Guidelines

1.5. A Scheme for promoting Innovation, Rural Industry & Entrepreneurship (ASPIRE)

Related Scheme A Scheme for promoting Innovation, Rural Industry & Entrepreneurship (ASPIRE)
Description The main objectives of the scheme are to: