SAE Reporting and the IRB: Adverse Events in Drug Studies

Assessing and reporting adverse events (AEs) in clinical trials is critical to ensuring the study is as safe as possible and the participants have the most up to date information so they can decide whether to continue their participation in the research study. These responsibilities and reporting requirements are outlined in U.S. regulations. However, it’s not always clear to research professionals what should be reported, who should do the reporting, and which oversight entity(ies) should review the report.

In 2009, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released a guidance document on AE reporting to IRBs. The guidance seeks to “assist the research community in interpreting requirements for submitting reports of unanticipated problems, including certain adverse events reports” to the IRB.

What Does FDA Guidance Say About SAE Reporting?

For research conducted under an investigational new drug (IND) application, the agency’s guidance states (bold and italics added for emphasis):